His Growth > My Contentment

Have you ever felt in your life that you were truly content? Living the life you had always dreamed of, strived for, and prayed over. THE life. That was me. Or so I thought.

In July of 2020, when the rest of the world was panicking and scrambling in the middle of the pandemic, I remember being so grateful for the time to slow down and for the life that was mine. After a long battle with infertility, I had just given birth to our second child, our family of four was HEALTHY, we had spent more time together than normal, my part time job was providing just the right balance of work, adult interaction (if you know, you know 😉), and time at home with my babies…I was living the life of true contentment.

Fast forward a few weeks, my husband and I were sitting in a Sunday morning church service, and I remember very vividly, a vision being brought forth to my mind and placed on my heart. Picture this with me. A place of “beauty” that is different than women have ever experienced before. A place where young girls and the wisest of women could walk through the doors, feeling embraced by other women, loved on, and empowered. A place where young ladies could be taught the lesson of basic skincare, but also where and WHO their true beauty comes from. Where the hunt for the perfect cosmetic item turns into the most beautiful conversation of a true Proverbs 31 woman and what that looks like in today’s society. (Proverbs 31:25 She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.”)  Where finding the perfect skincare regimen can be customized just for you all while feeling the presence of Jesus in a world that is definitely lacking. Can you see it? I sure could! The idea seemed so beautiful and appealing, but I was content, remember?

 The vision kept being brought forth to the forefront of my mind, on repeat. I’d wake up in the middle of several sleepless nights with this vision in mind, think of it daily when my mind should’ve been focused on what was physically in front of me, and so on and so forth. It was made VERY clear that God was speaking and trying to get me to listen! After a few weeks of battling to shove the vision to the back of my mind, I finally spoke it aloud to my husband, who quickly responded with something like, “Beckah, I believe it’s time to jump.” Although, somewhat excited for what could become a reality, I was honestly secretly hoping he’d talk it down.  Quite the opposite was occurring, and after much prayer, we both came to the realization that God was making a way for me to open my own business.

We continued to pray over what this might look like. “God, I am willing. But show me YOUR heart. Help me to draw boundaries to protect my time for my family, help me to find the right kind of help that glorifies YOUR goal of this business. Help the wrong doors to close, and the right doors to open. Help me to guide this business to be done YOUR way and to glorify YOU above all else.”  You get the gist, right?

Fast forward to the Fall of 2021. We had bought a building and were in the midst of pushing to finish a remodel to prepare to open, were trying to bring in the best inventory, attempting to get the business side of things rolling, and honestly, I was STRUGGLING. I remember the thirtieth, yes THIRTIETH, cosmetic line that had declined my attempt to pick up their line, and the days the remodeling bills came in and were significantly higher than expected due to the post-pandemic shipping crisis. And since we’ve opened there have been several days wondering “Why did I do this?!” And just today, I was feeling the Mom guilt of bringing my daughter to work with me instead of on a fun Spring Break trip. But…. through it all, even on the worst days, I have seen more of God’s goodness, provision and GROWTH than I would have ever received by living in my own personal contentment.

In those early days of struggle, I had friends rally around me and my family and pray “peace and open doors” over my business, for the “pieces of Betty Faye to align through divine intervention.” Claiming that “fear and uncertainties be demolished through the authority of Jesus”. Friends declaring that “God’s plan for Betty Faye will not be stopped” and praying a spirit of hope over me. I was being transformed by God’s plan. My fears of “what if I can’t” were being replaced with “I’ll show you the way.” My argument of “I’m already tired” was encouraged by “I will be your rest and your strength.” My thoughts of “I don’t know what I am doing” were trumped by “I will advise you and watch over you. Psalms 32:8” —GROWTH occurred for me when I quit with the pushback and allowed God’s plan to manifest in my life over my idea of what my life should look like. His Growth>my contentment. My life, my business, God use it to further your Kingdom. Then, now & always. My story, YOUR glory.

We want to thank Beckah Hunt for sharing this post.

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