From Devastation to Restoration

When you look back at the chapters of your life, do you want to read the book again or slam the cover and never open it?  When I look back on my story, the beginning is rosy, the middle gets rough, and the climax is devastating. However, the ending, or rather the continuation, of my story is full of joy, faith, and hope.

Like most people I know, I grew up going to church, and I worked at the youth camp in Floydada for several summers. I loved all the social interaction, but as things do, life changed. I was abused by someone who was supposed to love me. Suddenly the bright bubbly girl I was, was gone! I was no longer outgoing, I began to dress and act differently, because dolling up would gain the kind of attention I did not want. I acted out a lot, did not do well in school, and God became an afterthought.

While in college, I began to come out of my shell, meeting new kinds of people, but I also found new ways to cope with what had happened to me. I quickly found out if you are the girl with the drugs, everyone wants to be your friend, so that’s what I became. The funny pothead that just wants to have a good time, all while making horrible decisions. Eventually, I had to move back home because of these decisions. I got clean and began to take care of myself, and that’s when I met my husband.

Chris and I fell in love fast and were not ready for the road ahead of us. Long story short, by our third year of marriage we were facing a wife with a drug addiction, infidelity, and the death of our first son. I told you the climax was devastating.

Here comes the good part: after all the hurting comes His perfect healing. Our son’s death brought me back to God, we began going to church and sought out a Christian marriage counselor and really worked on the trauma we both had in our lives. Soon life got a little brighter, and then we found out we were pregnant with our second son Connor, who is funny and bright and loves Jesus! I am still a work in progress, but I know my Father loves me, and what happened to me does not define how I see myself anymore or how God sees me. God made me funny, kind, tender hearted, and someone took that from me, but God gave it all back to me when I surrendered and put my faith in Him!

Psalm 139 : 14 – I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made!

We want to thank Randi Cason for sharing this post.

One thought on “From Devastation to Restoration

  1. I loved your open heart to share your story. It takes courage to share our deepest hurts, but the Holy Spirit will use your story to help others who are hurting and point them to their savior Jesus! Thank you❤️

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